I walk upon these Ozark hills
I dream of a long summer day
far from this winter’s cell

I walk among giant chinquapin oaks
I listen for sounds of water falls
and the lone call from a pileated woodpecker

I walk along Lake Ann’s Bear Cove
I see a great blue heron take wing
and a half-submerged red-eared terrapin
slide into the blue-green waters

I watch in awe
a cloudless yellow butterfly’s landing
in sweet thistle and milk weed

I look for apple orchards
roadside fruit stands
and fresh ripe peaches to eat

I stand and watch an eagle glide
upon the sky winds
and see the day moon held in blue

I walk among wishing wells
fireflies and honey combs
I walk upon these Ozark hills

*Shared with @dVersePoets #OpenLinkNight this Second Tuesday of February, 13, 2013. http://dversepoets.com/